INTJ Billing Pty Ltd Business Information

INTJ Billing Pty Ltd Business Information Details

Business Details (Australia):

Full Business Name: INTJ Billing Pty Ltd
Australian Business Register Name: INTJ Billing Pty Ltd
ASIC Company Registration Certificate (Click here)
Full Trading Name: INTJ Billing Pty Ltd
Vendor Trading Category: IT support and consulting services which include Bitcoin Support Services
ABN: 607 261 398
ACN: 607 261 398
Australian Business Registry Services Director ID: 036 25134 96259 99
Google Business Profile ID: 18361842309752824135
Dun & Bradsheet DUNS Number: 744012095
Full Physical Address: 7 Cullen Court Spotswood, Victoria 3015 AUSTRALIA
Full Postal Address: 7 Cullen Court Spotswood, Victoria 3015 AUSTRALIA

Clarke Towson Qualifications: Bachelor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Victoria University

Clarke's Victoria University Degree and Australian Federal Police Check Certificate are public documents. They have been notarized by Dezi George Notary Public and they also have an apostille MFAF-C4-187929 and DFAT (The Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade stamp). You can verify the apostille with DFAT here. Clarke's police check certificate can also be verified with the Australian Federal Police and downloaded here.

Contact Telephone Number: +61 432 359 166
Contact Fax Number: N/A
Contact Email Address: founder at

Financial Institution details:

Please see our payments page

Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Business Owner: Mr Clarke Towson Computer Scientist

INTJ Billing Media Kit:

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